I suggest that small children, pregnant women, and the elderly stop reading immediately. What you are about to see is of a very graphic nature, and may cause vomiting. But...I still think they're cool. And unless your name is Julie or Maggie, just be thankful you didn't have to see them in real life.
Me, later on in the week, on the mend.
My forehead is one of the places that got it worst.
I call this hairstyle taking a bath then sleeping on wet hair nine times in a row. I couldn't get it to look that awesome if I tried.
Chicken pox in your mouth and down your throat= no bueno. It was awful. I had this awesome mouth numbing medicine, though, that worked wonders.
My ugly chicken-pocked face
Because my parents were in the happiest place on earth while I was in the unhappiest place on earth (chickenpoxland) I really got to see how many people cared about me. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame my parents at all, I told them not to come home. I would have felt awful if they came home early because of me. Side note, they did come home a few days early after all, and promptly got the flu. Bummer times.
Anyway, I never for one minute felt like I wasn't taken care of. My young womens leader picked up my prescriptions, even though she had to leave them on my doorstep because she had never had chicken pox before. My sister brought me dinner and plenty of Scrubs to watch. Maggie came and kept me company. I got a few phone calls from people too far away to visit, and talked to Andy for hours at a time. So that, combined with probably a full 24 hours of sitting in the bath, 30 hours of watching Scrubs, and 10 hours of Spongebob, and the worst of my chicken pox was over.
Still, it was pretty horrible. I missed the last week of the term, causing frightening amounts of stress. It was lonely without anyone in the house, and limited visitors. And, on the most part, chicken pox just blow. But, I'm grateful to have them now so I don't have to be worried when my kids have chicken pox.
For now, I'm just concentrating on getting back in the game, which has been a full time job. I think I'm mostly caught up, though, which is nice. Now it's just smooth sailing for the rest of the semester until (gulp) college. Looking forward to it.
I am so glad you're better. And I really wish I could have visited, but I'm glad some were able.
I love you! And you do NOT have an ugly face.
Thank you for posting this.
Your hair made me LOL, and that ain't no lie.
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