Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Justin Bieber is a classy "man."

I might just be posting this so I can stop looking at my grosso pock-face...but here comes the Bieber talk.

Say what you will about his music, but this is adorbs.

In case you missed it, there was a viral youtube video of a 3 year old girl crying because she loved Justin Bieber so much. It's super cute. It's pretty long, so just watch like the first minute and the last 20 seconds.

Anyway,Jimmy Kimmel saw this video, and got J Biebs himself to come surprise the little girl and her older sisters, who I'm sure loved him just as much.

The whole thing gave me the warm fuzzies. But if you have still have no reason to love Justin Bieber, you have to give him props for being a class act: He sent their whole family to Disneyland. DISNEYLAND! That is a good man right there...a good. man.



Erin said...

favorite video ever.
i always have to watch the whole video cause she reminds me of my niece.

so so cute!

Mariah said...

hey lady. im currently internet stalking you right now. i sure probs go to bed because it is late here in the boonies but eh, who needs sleep. i just wanted to tell you that i love jbeibs and that i carry a folder with me that has his face plastered on it. nickj still has my heart, and you too. nighty night.