In reality, I gave up facebook roughly the same time as lent, with the intention being to go off it for a week. Then my other goals fell through, and I realized that giving up facebook would totally count. Plus more, because I'm way more addicted to facebook than I am to french fries.
It's been super hard. Super. Hard. I keep on thinking of awesome statuses that I want to post, or just statuses that I want to people to see and know about, even if they're not awesome. So, as to not be wasteful, I decided to post them here. Just imagine the "Hannah Grace" in front of every post.
My nephew just took some chocolate chips out of the cookie dough, smooshed them in his hand, and offered, "want these?" When I said, "no, i don't want those!" He said, "Okay, I guess I'll have them then." What a cutie.
can't believe she didn't know it was fake mustache day. This is the saddest day ever.
Could live in her hammock. If it didn't start snowing all the time.
loves spring!
learned how to use the internet in computer tech today. Thank Heavens for school.
just went to a jaw physical therapist that has her do exercises that make her look like the following things: a puffer fish, a monkey, the man from "The Scream," and the man in "the thinker"
really wants to post a facebook status right now.