Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One lent I want to give up lentils, just for the fun word play.

Last year I gave up french fries, and I was quite successful. This year I'm taking it a step further. I am giving up...wait for it...drumroll, please...

All Deep Fried Food!

including but not limited to:

French Fries
Chicken Nuggets/fried chicken
And, even though I've never eaten these in my life, fried pickles.

I guess this means no more fry parties for a while. Woo. Wish me luck.

Also, I uploaded all of the photos from my old memory card onto the computer, so the next few posts will have an extra special fun blast-from-the-past photo at the end! Whoopee!

Me and Lilaroo in fall of 2009. What a cutie. We were laying on my hammock the other day (for the brief period it wasn't covered in snow) and she said to me, "Hammocks are the best thing. They're like swings, only cozier."

True dat. True dat.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You are great. We will definitely help each other:)

Uhm, can I please introduce you to fried pickles this summer?