I have some pictures I need to put up, but I'll do that later. Because this is interesting me now.
I didn't steal this from
Erin's blog! That's absurd. But really I did, and it sounds awesome. You write a letter a day for 30 days. Readygo.
Dear Best Friend,
I seriously don't know what I would do without you. Whenever I'm sick of dealing with dumb people, I can just come talk to you, which is like talking to myself. Only better. You understand me better than anyone I know, and always know how to make me laugh. I love our traveling pants. I love our made up words, no matter how creepy they might be sometimes. I love not being crafty with you. In short, I love you.
Hannah Wing.
Day 1: Your best friend.
Day 2: Someone you secretly think is cute.
Day 3: Your parents.
Day 4: A sibling.
Day 5: Your dreams.
Day 6: A stranger.
Day 7: Your ex-love/crush
Day 8: Your favorite internet friend.
Day 9: Someone you wish you could meet.
Day 10: Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.
Day 11: Someone who died.
Day 12: The person who has caused you the most pain in your life.
Day 13: Someone you wish would forgive you.
Day 14: Someone you have drifted away from.
Day 15: The person you miss the most.
Day 16: Someone that doesn’t live in your state/country.
Day 17: Someone from your childhood.
Day 18: The person that you wish you could be.
Day 19: Someone that pesters your mind (good or bad.)
Day 20: The person that broke your heart the hardest.
Day 21: Someone you judged by first impression.
Day 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Day 23: Someone who makes you laugh really hard.
Day 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Day 25: A person you know is going through hard times.
Day 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Day 27: The friendliest person you only knew for a day.
Day 28: Someone that changed your life.
Day 29: The person that you want to tell everything to.
Day 30: Your reflection in the mirror.